This book is a wonderful example of imagination, creativity, and individuality. My son liked the book so much he wanted to share it with his second grade class. The entire class loved it. I hope the author decides to make this book into a series.

About the Author

Keisha Reynolds

Keisha first discovered her love of words through poetry at the age of seven. She started imagining and typing short stories to share with her friends and family. Words continued to live deep in her heart and it is why she has built a communications business that heavily includes writing. Keisha was also a freelance writer for many years for several publications local to the Baltimore Washington Metropolitan Area, as well as, the national Baltimore Sun Newspaper and the international platform, the Huffington Post. She was also published in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Listen to Your Dreams, in 2020. 

Keisha lives in Puerto Rico with her family. During her free time, Keisha enjoys podcasting, writing, pottery, reading and being a spiritual teacher and practitioner in Reiki, Theta and Yoga. She leads two self-development and transformation courses.

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